low cost web design for the smaller business based in Argyll Scotland

Busybee Web Design

Low cost web design
for the smaller business
Based in Argyll Scotland

What is included on your Website:

For a Four Page Website:

The most common uses are a home page, an information page, resource page, contact information page / enquiry form.

Any amount of Text:

Other web designers only include a certain amount of text per page in their packages. I allow any amount of text, in fact the more the better for being indexed by the search engines.

Any amount of Photos:

Some web designers charge extra for photographs, or only include a certain number in their packages. I allow any amount of photographs, provided by you, which I will optimise and edit for use on your web site. Quite a few of my sites are tourist related, therefore the more photos the better, as photos of the views and the surrounding area, are what usually sells it to your visitors.

Enquiry Form & your Contact details:

A contact form is a must. People generally don't like typing, just ticking a box and clicking 'submit' makes communication easier and therefore more likely they will actually contact you. This would also have other contact information; address, telephone number etc. Don't forget mobile numbers, your hours of business, out of hours contact info, if required.

I will make an enquiry form for your website, which allows visitors to your site to contact you via email. This form can have all sorts of questions for your visitors to fill in. This would then come through to you via email.

Your form can be made up with the following:

Drop down menus -

Checkboxes -

Text Fields -

Radio buttons -

Click to View a sample enquiry form

Text navigation- links to your other pages:

The navigation system of links to your other pages, allow users on your web site to find what they're looking for. Having a text based navigation system is more beneficial than graphic navigation as Search Engines cannot read text links that are embedded in graphics - therefore this will make sure that the Search Engines index all of your pages of your website. Also text based navigation is often easier for your visitors to understand.

Web Statistics:

If I organise the domain name & hosting for your website and you would like more detail than just how many people visit your site, you can have website statistics for your site.
This shows:

  • How many people visit your website
  • Who is visiting your site - via IP address & host
  • Date & time of their visit
  • What software they used to browse your site
  • How visitors find your site eg: link from another site or google etc. showing keywords used to find your site
  • Size of browser and number of colours
  • Keywords/phrases used to find your site
  • Most popular search engines

Links to External Sites:

Quite often people are charged extra for adding external links. I include these links, if you want them. My only stipulation is that they are in keeping with your website's theme - eg: if your site is for holiday accommodation in Oban, then all external links would be to do with the area of Oban - things to see & do etc. Or if your site is for artwork, then all external sites would be to do with Art.

Nowadays the Search Engines do not like the use of reciprocal linking - due to too many people exploiting this. However if the links enhance your site in any way, be it more information or alternative ideas on the same subject etc. then I think it is a good thing.
The bottom line is making your site enjoyable and informative for the people who visit your site.

META tags:

I will add Meta Tags to all of your pages on your website.
META tags are special HTML tags that is in the coding of your pages. Each page should have different Meta Tags, depending on the content on each page. They tell the search engine's specialised programs how to index your web page. They give specific information to the search engine such as the title for the page, keywords and phrases for the page, a description of the page and more. Although good Title and Description META tags are essential to high rankings in search engines, many search engines including Google do not use the keyword meta tags - they go by the content on your pages only.

Website Optimisation & Search Engine friendly pages:

I make sure that you have good Keywords and Keyphrases to get your site found by visitors. Each page should have different keywords & phrases, depending on the content of each page. I do not use an automatic service as they are frowned upon by the search engines.

Website Maintenance & Site Management:

This is the key to a good web site and for search engine placement. If your web site visitors find information that is clearly out of date, they may leave your site. Search Engines will also give your site more importance, when indexing, if it is seen to be updated regularly. Sites that do not get updated will end up being dropped by the search engines.
Keeping the information up to date is essential to your success on the Web. Busybee Web Design provides this website maintenance and site management service free for the first year.

Cross browser & platform testing:

Because of the wide range of operating systems, browsers and screen resolutions, internet visitors don't always see web sites the way they were intended to. At Busybee Webdesign I test each page on a range of browsers and also on a MAC as well as the PC.

Free consultation & support included:

Some design firms charge you by the hour for discussing your options or per month for after sales support. Each site I design requires a certain amount of discussion, be it over the phone or via email. No two websites are ever the same! I never charge extra for this - it is all part of the service.
I also offer support throughout the year at no extra charge.

Busybee Web Design - Argyll Scotland

To contact Busybee Web Design please use our online form